Disclosure Statement
(This policy is valid from November 1, 2020)
The contents of this website are written and edited by me. For questions about this website/blog, please contact Janice Lee (janicelee@playtok.com).
This website was created to support playTOK Speech and Language Pathology services as well as playTOK Speech and Language digital therapy material and blog.
The information provided in my blog posts are not medical nor professional recommendations. If you should have concerns about your child, it is recommended that you seek professional advice from a speech-language pathologist or other professional. The blog contents on this site are written for my own purposes. However, I may be influenced by my background, profession, religion, political affiliation or experience.
If a situation arises whereby I receive compensation for any content, topics or posts on my blog, it will be clearly disclosed in the relevant post. If I begin to receive compensation on a continual basis for any content, topics or posts on my blog, it will be clearly disclosed in this Disclosure Statement. In any of these cases, the compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog, unless otherwise declared. At this time, I do not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. I do participate in third party associate programs whereby I provide disclosure statements.
As the owner of this website, I am not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely my own. If I claim or appear to be an expert on a certain topic or product or service area, I will only endorse strategies that I believe, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. If you have concerns, again, you should consult with your private health care practitioner for specific therapy or advice.
As of July 15, 2020, I am an author of Boom CardsSM on Boom LearningSM. Boom Learning hosts my Boom Cards, and I receive a commission for the purchase(s) you make (excluding free items). You are required to create a separate account to activate and access playTOK Boom Card purchases. Any and all purchases of playTOK Boom Cards are for the independent use of the client and email purchasing the item(s). You are allowed to use Boom Learning’s platform to assign these decks to your students, patients, clients, private patients or private clients. You are not allowed to use Boom Learning’s platform to share these decks with any other individuals. The images and graphics in playTOK Boom Cards are created, purchased and/or licensed to playTOK only. You may not use the graphics in playTOK Boom Cards.
As of Aug 1, 2020, I am an author on Teachers Pay TeachersSM, and I receive a commission for the purchase(s) you make (excluding free items). You are required to create a separate account activate and access playTOK Boom Card purchases. Any and all purchases are linked only to the individual and email purchasing the files. You are allowed to use your purchases over telepractice with your families and clients, but you are not allowed to share .pdf, .ppt, or .svg files with them. See the Boom CardsSM reference on how you can share Boom Cards with your clients. You are not allowed in any way to share your Teachers Pay Teachers links with other individuals.
I am disclosing that I have a financial interest in any in-person workshops, private therapy, I host in which I am an instructor or an organizer.
Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to me and I am committed to protecting it. I ask for your email address when you subscribe to playTOK newsletters or purchase a product, but I will never sell or share that information without your permission. At anytime you may request to have your email address or contact information removed from my email mailing list.
You will also find links to third party websites on this site. I am not responsible for the privacy policies so please check with the individual site’s own privacy policy should have a concern. If you purchase any Boom CardsSM from my website, you will be required to create your own Boom LearningSM account which requires that you provide your email to them.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact Janice Lee at janicelee@playtok.com
Copyright Policy
IMAGES – Images and content are created, purchased and/or licensed to playtok.com. If you wish to re-post any of my photos, please include a link back to my original post on playtok.com. You may not alter any of my images without first obtaining my written permission. You can email me a quick request through letstokplay@gmail.com
WRITTEN MATERIALS – You are not permitted to replicate, duplicate, distribute, or sell any written materials, templates, or content that are written by me without my expressed permission