Boom Cards for SLPs - Reinforcers for speech therapy showing a construction scene

Boom Cards for SLPs – Construction Citty

Boom CardsTM are so easy to incorporate into your speech and language sessions! Since we have gone virtual during the Covid-19 closures, I have had to look for alternate ways to engage my kids during telepractice. In addition, when we resume in-centre speech and language sessions, I intend on using these games on a tablet — they’re easy to disinfect!

playTOK Construction City is available on Boom Learning. >>> Click Here

This playTOK Construction City is packed with several scenes and games to include in construction-vehicle-loving kids’ sessions!

1) Construction City Scene – The construction vehicles are working!

2) City Excavation – Dig, dig, dig!

3) City Workers – Help the workers put the pipe in.

4) Road Building – Watch the bulldozer, steamroller, and paint truck go!

5) Load the Dump Truck – Fill the dump truck with building materials!

6) Brick Wall – Put up a brick wall.

7) Tall Towers Scene – Build a city with short and tall buildings!

Speech & Language Targets I use? Here are some targets I have used with this board. What else do YOU like to target while using playTOK Construction city? Please leave your comments below!

Turn-Taking: We can take turns putting stickers on the boards

LANGUAGE – Vocabulary:

  • concepts: lots of prepositions, up/down, big/little, fast/slow, on/off, in/out short/tall
  • nouns: different construction vehicles
  • action words: construction workers’ actions

LANGUAGE – Sentences: We can use this for verb tenses (e.g. “I will put the bulldozer on.”, “I am putting the bulldozer on.”, “I put the bulldozer on”. Or, we can use

SPEECH – Artic and Motor Speech:

Speech – Artic: Here are some ideas for Artic

  • d sound: dump, doing, digging
  • r sound: road
  • k sound: truck
  • g sound: dig

Speech – Motor Speech:

  • lip rounding: ooooo (excavator to dig, mooo (for ‘move’)
  • lip closure: up
  • velar tongue control: go
  • jaw control / tongue tip: hat
  • integration: tower, digging


I use this to engage a child that loves cars and trucks. When I use zoom, I will change between my view and also sharing this screen so that the child stays and plays for longer — with eye contact and/or joint attention. We talk about the child’s interests! Because the scenes are so flexible, there’s always something for the child to talk about.


We practice our easy speech when using the scenes, and conversational turn-taking.

To find playTOK Construction City, please check out the playTOK store on Boom Learning. >>> Click Here

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P.S. Here are links to some of my favourite books and toys to pair with this activity:

In addition to the above activity, I pair “Construction City” with the book “Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site”, as well as any construction vehicle activities I might have. I have been using an adaptable construction play set (you can change the configuration of the building). It has been helpful for prepositions like upstairs/downstairs, first/second/third floor, inside/outside, beside/between.

Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site (Hardcover Books for Toddlers, Preschool Books for Kids)

BeebeeRun Construction Toys for Kids – 122 PCS Kids Building Toys, Construction Vehicles Toys with Excavator, Bulldozer, Fork Truck, Tower Crane and Road Signs,Toy Cars for Boys Age 6-12

The contents of this blog post are of my own opinion. The content and information contained are not meant to substitute professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your speech-language pathologist, physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your child’s condition. 

*FULL DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate marketing links. If you make a purchase via the links I’ve provided, I receive a small commission as an Amazon associate. This costs you nothing, but does help to support playTOK design, website and maintenance. Thank you for your support! You can read my full disclosure statement here.