I have been so busy trying to get all my thoughts into my tablet toys. With each new set, I learn new things and jam pack my playTOK tablet toys with even more content. There’s been so much to do, and even more to learn about getting playTOK products visible. I’ve been noticing and using several themes throughout my tablet toys.
- Toys I Miss – There’s a lot of toys in-centre that we might not be able to use again. Without the ability to put our toys in a dishwasher, I have to come up with “tablet toys” that keep the fun and simulate the experience. So far, I’ve made some dinky cars in Toy Cars! (which also race), and Don’t Pop Pete! which is my version of Pop Up Pirate, as well as Rubber Duckies! (an improved version of Lucky Ducks with super cute swimming pools). Since I never found a Candyland Castle….maybe I can tackle that next! What are some other toys you miss?
- Pets – All the games in my pets series have an intro page where you can describe an animal, and they move on to a few activities (e.g. design your own unicorn, put the dogs in the doghouses, hide a unicorn in a castle, and hide the puppies in the bushes). Really, they’re multiple games in one and can be used to support multiple speech and language goals! Check out My Puppy (Dogs & Doghouses) and Unicorns!.
- Food Games – Lots of food options here! Even more chances to practice my/your turn while we Build-A-Pizza, Build-A-Burger, and Let’s Make Macarons!
- Feeding Games – You’ll notice a pattern…I love sneaking in the feeding games here and there and so far I in Unicorns! and Build-A-Burger there are hungry unicorns and monsters! It was always a hit when I brought my speech tin in with a “feed the __ ” sort of game. I think I’ll have to hurry and make more!
- Hide-And-Seek Games – Many of my games include hide-and-seek patterns. Just like Garage Doors, I’ve made hiding unicorns in Unicorns! and hiding parrots in Don’t Pop Pete! because they’re just SO motivating for the kids! I love making kids close their eyes while I rearrange and hide the items again!
- Themed Games – Really, all my games are themes and include multiple sets. But sometimes they’re seasonal and specific to one of the many field trips we love! BBQ & Picnic has been really fun, and I hope to come up with camping and beach sets too!
What are some of the toys you miss? Which playTOK tablet toys have been a hit with your kids?

Designing Pinterest gifs!
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