Remember “Don’t Pop Pete!” Boom CardsTM version of Pop-Up-Pirate, “Don’t Pop Penny!” (with expanded pirate language scenes), and”Don’t Pop Frankenpete!”? Well, I’ve taken the original “Don’t Pop Pete!” and added all initial, medial, final consonants as well as initial /s/, /l/ and /r/ blends. The sounds can be a bit of a surprise, so make sure you test them and turn the sound on/off for younger kids. There is a ‘boom’ in the pirate version, and a ‘ho ho ho’ sound in the Santa version.
If you are looking for the simple reinforcer-only editions, check out these past sets. They include the basic game but do not include the articulation cards. They also include the ‘barrel’ hide-and-seek games. If you currently have these games you can upgrade to the above articulation bundles. Boom LearningSM automatically deducts the price of what you already own!
Again, remember that there are animations and a surprise sound when Pete pops, so make sure you test out the sounds. You can turn it on/off with your browser, or choose not to share audio. To share audio, remember to click the ‘share computer audio’ button when in Zoom share screen.
Original “Don’t Pop Pete!” Boom CardsTM by playTOK.
Expanded characters “Don’t Pop Penny + Friends!”
Halloween “Don’t Pop Frankenpete!”
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