I’ve made nearly 90 decks so far – all in the playTOK Boom CardsSM store! Many of my decks are open-ended and suitable for naturalistic conversation or language modeling. I will list the type of activity and a link below.

playTOK makes several different ‘types’ of activities:

  • Digital Wind-Up toys (Animated activities with or without sound and stop/go control)
  • Classic Games (Digital versions and adaptations of SLP favourites!)
  • Story Spotlights (Activities that support narrative formulation similar to “roll-a-story” or “Story Cubes”. Use the spotlights to focus on your character, setting, problem, action, resolution).
  • Digital Sticker Scenes (Scenes and manipulatives based on various. Use them to come up with various key words for speech or language. Some scenes include ‘vocabulary’ or ‘sentence’ helpers).
  • Conversation Starters (Topic openers and often have a typing feature. They are suitable for activities relating to personal narratives, inferencing, or even fluency).

Digital Wind-Ups

I had a lot of fun making the animations and adding the sounds to games such as Trains & Towns Christmas or Just Dance! Santa’s Elves. They are very engaging, and you have the option to turn off your sound (use your browser tab) and to control the animation.

In Trains & Towns Christmas,  you also have to look carefully to find the hidden animals (e.g., deer, bunny, bird, penguin).

In Just Dance! you have the opportunity to make single elves or groups of elves dance (e.g., he, she, they)

Trains & Towns Christmas

Just Dance! Santa’s Elves

Repetitive / Wordless Play Books

Kids just love feeding characters. And, well, pair this idea with kids who need to work on motor lip control (e.g., words ‘poop’, ‘pee’), and we end up with a silly game Feed The Reindeeer, Reindeer Poops!

Feed The Reindeer, Reindeer Poops

Classic Games

Easy and quick classic games such as Don’t Pop Santa!, Tic Tac Toe Candy Canes / Connect 4 Peppermints! and Don’t Pop Santa! Articulation are very engaging and the sound has been modified to be a bit quieter (it was too loud before!).

If you need the articulation edition, try Don’t Pop Santa! Articulation. For your convenience, all initial, medial and final sounds as well as initial /s, r, l/ blends have been added.

Tic Tac Toe Candy Canes + Connect 4 Peppermints

Don’t Pop Santa!

Don’t Pop Santa! Articulation

Conversation Starter (With Typing Entry)

Conversation starters with a holiday twist.

In Santa’s Naughty Or Nice List, you have the option to help Santa, Mrs. Claus and a variety of friends make their own lists. What is on everyone’s list?

In Letters to Santa (+Friends), you have an open-ended opportunity to come up with a letter to him and his friends. What would you say?

Santa’s Naughty Or Nice List

Letters To Santa (+ Friends)

Interactive Sticker Scenes (With additional targets such as following directions, vocabulary, sentence structure)

There are various themes I thought would be fun. I focus on games and activities that mimic real life and what I would do if I was in a therapy room.

In I Love Matroyshka, you can stack and sort toys from big to little. It includes a 5 female set and 5 male set (what a large family!).

In Hannukah Treats, you have the chance to bake or assemble various holiday treats. You can use this for multi-step directions.

Use Christmas Lights (with vocab and action words helpers) to discuss holiday lighting. There are various Tier 2 action words associated with different Christmas decorations.

In Toy Box, you have the chance to put away various toys into the box! There are different toys on each page.

Or, use Toy Box Reinforcers, where the same toy is on each page, and there is a ‘clickers’ page for repeated 50-100 trials.

I Love Matroyshka

Hannukah Treats

Christmas Lights

Toy Box

boom cards Reinforcers - Toy Box

Reinforcers – Toy Box

Narrative Formulation

Use Story Spotlights Christmas Tale to select a Christmas character, setting problem, action, resolution and feelings.

Story Spotlights Christmas Tale

Find all of these Boom CardsSM and more in my store. Detailed decks include videos in the previews. >>> playTOK store on Boom LearningSM