As you know, it’s important for me to know what works and what doesn’t work in the digital activities I create. When I received feedback about Don’t Pop Pete! Articulation Boom CardsSM, I knew that the comments were indeed correct.
This individual indicated that, as she on Boom Learning, regarding the speech targets being black and white. Her concern pointed out the fact that younger, pre-K children need colour to help identify the images. I completely agree, and with a bit of time and work, I’ve now updated the Articulation versions of Don’t Pop Pete! Articulation and Don’t Pop Santa! Articulation with full colour cards.
This set of Boom CardsSM is a great go-to for grouped children, or even children with multiple targets. It includes:
- Initial, Medial, and Final:/h, w, p, b, m, t, d, n, k, g, f, v, s, z, sh, ch, j, th, r, l/
- Initial blends: /s/ blends, /l/ blends, /r/ blends
There are navigation tabs on the pages which bring you between the sound page and the game pages.
On each sound page, you will see Initial, Medial, and Final columns of images which can be clicked.
Are you interested in learning more about Don’t Pop Pete! Articulation? Check out this quick video demo below!
Don’t Pop Pete! Articulation is available in a bundle with the original Don’t Pop Pete! Click Here
To visit the playTOK store on Boom LearningSM and check out other decks > Visit the store
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